Year 11 Information Evening
Louise Innocent
/ Categories: News, Events, School Calendar
As we enter Year 11, it is crucial for all parents to understand how to best assist their child, especially in English, Maths, and Science. Research indicates that students who receive support with homework completion and effective home revision tend to perform better in exams compared to those who do not. Practicing exam strategies and revisiting class materials are key factors for students to succeed in their final exams.
To aid you in supporting your child during their GCSEs, we are organising an 'Information Evening' for our Year 11 students and their parents/carers on Thursday, September 19th, 2024. The event will commence at 16:30 with an hour allocated for students and parents to explore curriculum areas and discuss the upcoming academic year. At 17:30, there will be a presentation in the Main Hall running until 18:00, featuring general advice and revision guidance from SLT and Heads of the Maths, English, and Science departments.
Please confirm your attendance by emailing us with your child's name to

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Year 6 Open Evening - Thursday 10th October 5pm to 6pm or 6pm to 7pm