Careers Education & Destinations


Careers Education

We recognise the importance of effective Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) for young people and we expect all our students to develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers. We aim to inspire every student through more real-life contacts with the world of work to help them understand where different choices can take them in the future and we wish to ensure that our students are not restricted by circumstances or location from becoming self-confident, well-educated and enterprising individuals. We work hard across the school in all our lessons and form periods to prevent all forms of stereotyping to ensure that boys and girls from all backgrounds and diversity groups consider the widest possible range of careers including those that are often portrayed as primarily for one or other of the sexes.

We set high expectations, including for the most vulnerable and those with special educational needs and disabilities, so that every student is stretched and acquires the attributes that employers value. This will help every young person to realise their potential and so increase economic competitiveness and support social mobility. We work closely with the Local Enterprise Partnership Enterprise Adviser network, University's, local colleges, higher education institutions and private training providers to ensure our students get the most current information on opportunities available to them and the support to make the most of them.

We measure our success by our students’ destinations and this is reflected in higher numbers progressing to apprenticeships, universities – including selective universities, traineeships, and other positive destinations such as employment or a further education college. This will help to close the gap in destinations between young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and others.

Careers Leader -  Clare Buckley   
  • Are you a student?

    Students can request a meeting with our careers adviser (contact above), by speaking to their form tutor or head of key stage, or by dropping into the career's office. 

    You can also compare job salaries and availability side by side using the Careerometer

  • Are you a parent?

    Learning more about post-16 options, career pathways and the job market is not just for students our school Careers Adviser, will be available at parents’ evenings over the course of the year to speak with parents about their child’s career interests and aspirations and she is also contactable on the following email address: or by phoning the school.

    If you are a parent and would like to find out more about the careers-related support and activities available for your child at Sheffield Park Academy, then please get in touch with our careers advisor, or follow the link below for lots of useful information, advice and guidance from the Parental Guidance website

  • Are you an employer, college, university, training or apprenticeship provider?

    As a school, we have a statutory commitment to uphold the Education Act 1997 and the recent Technical and Further Education Act 2017.

    The policy statement from the school explains how providers of technical education, such as alternative 14-16 providers, Further Education colleges and apprenticeship providers can apply for access to speak with our students in Years 8-13 about the various education and training options available to them at 14-16 and post-16, including details of suitable access points within our school calendar and the lead contact at the school who can help to facilitate this. If you have an interest in working with or coming in to speak with our students about any of the opportunities you may be able to provide to them in the future, details of who to contact can be found in our provider access policy. Please do get in touch.

  • Management of provider access requests

    We are keen to collaborate with Post-16 and Post-18 Learning Providers and welcome input from employers, businesses and sector-skills specialists in order to enhance our careers provision across all year groups. A number of events integrated in to the schools careers programme (see Statement of Student Entitlement), offers providers an opportunity to come in to school to speak to pupils and/or their parents.

    A provider wishing to request access should contact Jane Peagram on 0114 239 2661


  • Destinations


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Careers Documents

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