
All of our students are ambassadors of Sheffield Park Academy, with an external display of professional high standards. Our expectations are that students respect and wear our uniform; this communicates leadership to our local community.
Uniform Requirements
- Students must wear either the black blazer or jumper with academy logo
- Sheffield Park academy tie
- Black trousers
- Black skirt – length to be at or below the knee. No ‘skin tight’ material, no ‘body-con’ and no short skirts
- Long or short sleeved white shirt (with a collar for an academy tie). Shirts must be tucked in at all times
- Black socks or black tights
- Plain black leather school shoes – no visible branding, no trainers or pumps
- School bag - - bags for school need to be at least of ruck sack size to fit A4 sized folders.
Personal Appearance
- Hair must be appropriate for an educational setting. E.g. no extreme hairstyle, no unnatural hair colours, no headbands, no bandanas no do-rags or accessories.
- No extreme make-up including false eyelashes.
- Nail varnish and false nails are not permitted.
- Religious head dress/cover [e.g., hijab] must be plain and black. No abayas are allowed to be worn.
Please check with your child’s Head of Year or Pastoral Head of Year if you are unsure. The academy will decide if the personal presentation of points (a) and (b) above are extreme.
- Jewellery is not allowed. Only one pair of stud earrings and one nose stud is acceptable. (We do not accept responsibility for jewellery brought into the academy)
- Students must wear either the academy blazer or jumper at all times, except when permission has been given for them to be removed (extreme temperature)
The following items are unacceptable and must not be seen at any time on the school site or inside the academy building. Academy expects students to change into ‘loaned’ uniform. Other unacceptable items, such as hoodies, earrings, hats etc will be confiscated for the day.
- Trainers, boots and pumps
- Leggings, jeans, chino trousers or short / cropped trousers
- 'Hoodies' and tracksuit tops
- Baseball hats/hoods or inappropriate headwear
- Fashion bags - (bags for school need to be at least of ruck sack size to fit several A4 sized folders.)
- Outdoor coats with inappropriate logo/emblems
Any students not wearing correct academy uniform will be sanctioned appropriately as per our behaviour policy. Parents/carers will be contacted to rectify our concerns.
- Please note: where we have loaned any uniform, we expect these to be returned to staff at the end of the day. Unfortunately, we will need to charge parents/carers for any items of school uniform that has not been returned.
Pinders Schoolwear operate an online ordering system which can be accessed here.